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Wyllow Franklin
Jul 24, 20233 min read
Unlock Your Potential for Success
Embracing a Growth Mindset: Unlock Your Potential for Success In our journey through life, growth and development are key to reaching our...

Wyllow Franklin
Jul 23, 20232 min read
The Power of Meditation
The Power of Meditation: Achieving Abundance, Self-Esteem, and More Meditation has been a practice for thousands of years, and its...

Wyllow Franklin
Jul 6, 20234 min read
Reflecting Inner Radiance
Exploring the Transformative Power of Mirror Work In a world that constantly bombards us with external pressures and expectations, it's...

Wyllow Franklin
Jul 3, 20235 min read
Unlocking the Power of Meditation
Transform Your Life and Find Inner Peace Welcome to the transformative world of meditation, where you can tap into a wellspring of...

Wyllow Franklin
Jun 1, 20232 min read
My Journey from Darkness to Empowerment
~Wyllow Franklin's Story In a world plagued by self-doubt, low self-worth, and the relentless grip of depression, I am emerging as a...

Wyllow Franklin
May 29, 20234 min read
Creating a More Inclusive World for the LGBTQIA2S Community: A Guide for Allies
As a cis-woman, I understand the importance of creating a more inclusive world for people who differ from me. One group that faces...

Wyllow Franklin
Mar 29, 20233 min read
Cross-Lateral Exercises: The Science Behind their Brain Boosting Benefits
Cross-Lateral Exercises: The Science Behind their Brain Boosting Benefits Cross-lateral exercises, also known as cross-body exercises,...

Wyllow Franklin
Jan 30, 20233 min read
Seek Your Truth
As you may have seen, I offer a coaching program at Deeply Seen. I currently have space for some individuals for one-on-one coaching and...

Wyllow Franklin
Jan 22, 20234 min read
Meditation; an Everyday Practice
Are you someone who uses meditation? Is it something that helps you with stress management? Pain management? Mindfulness? This is a tool...

Wyllow Franklin
Oct 2, 20224 min read
A Touch Of Gratitude, just what spirit ordered
It seems to me that I have lived this life as one of gratitude for a long time - and it just occurred to me that I have not shared about...

Wyllow Franklin
Jul 21, 20223 min read
Separating Work from Play (Or Bringing Play to Work)
A June Review So apparently I mixed up May and June from my blog post last December, and switched them in practice. Life sure has a way...

Wyllow Franklin
Jun 17, 20223 min read
Time and Attention Management + Processing the Curveballs Life Throws
Ha ha ha, Work expands to fill the time, AND, being easily distracted from my own work makes it super challenging to actually get things...

Wyllow Franklin
Apr 28, 20224 min read
Mindfulness - As a Practice
I seem to have so much going on each month, that I am challenged to slow down and savour the moments. I fill my time up so full of life...

Wyllow Franklin
Apr 5, 20223 min read
Healthy Living - Making Moderate Changes
March has been a month of change, so many things to look forward to and a few things that are bittersweet. Reflection I spent a little...

Wyllow Franklin
Mar 23, 20223 min read
The Perfect One-Person Retreat Day
Wellll, maybe not PERFECT, but darn close to it… I have been struggling with my mental health for a very long time, and I DO KNOW what...

Wyllow Franklin
Mar 13, 20223 min read
Taking Life from Daily Drudgery to Enjoyable Touchpoints -
A Look at How We Use our Schedules Oh, what a February! February's theme was Daily Rhythms - and now as I reflect back on how THAT went,...

Wyllow Franklin
Feb 25, 20225 min read
My Home ~ My Temple
Most people have a place in their life that brings them to the feelings of calm, grounded, centred… Often this special place is in their...

Wyllow Franklin
Jan 18, 20224 min read
A Unique Take on Keeping a Journal
Journalling MY way, find the best way to include a journaling practice into your life.

Wyllow Franklin
Dec 28, 20215 min read
2022 - A Theme For Each Month
In this post I share my plan to have a ‘theme’ for each month to focus and reflect on in 2022. As someone who struggles with depression,...

Wyllow Franklin
Nov 4, 20213 min read
Nurturing Myself - Tools I Use
As someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety since my teen years, I have used and developed MANY different approaches to...
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